Mould can form in an environment where there is a lot of moisture. If there is moisture in your home, then it is at risk of mould developing, and this is not something that you want, as they are destructive to your home itself as well as being detrimental to the health of everyone in your home.
Once mould becomes established in the home, it makes the air quality poor and is especially damaging to people who suffer from breathing problems and have lower immunity, but it isn’t good for anyone to be breathing it in.
Mould also can be damaging to any surface that it gets onto, from walls to floors and could cost you a lot to replace these things if they do become mould damaged and in need of repair or replacement.
Mould needs moisture in order to grow so this is the first thing that you need to address when tackling mould. Work out how you can prevent the moisture and also how you can remove it. Getting a dehumidifier can help, as can getting air conditioning installed by someone like this air conditioning Gloucester based company as this helps to improve the air quality in your home.
If you have mould in your home that has already established itself, you need to get rid of it. If you are doing this yourself, you need to protect yourself from the mould spores by wearing goggles, long gloves and a suitable mask. Keep the windows to the room that you are treating open but doors to other rooms closed to prevent the mould spores moving around into other rooms.
A mixture of three parts water to one part bleach is often used, as is vinegar. Any clothes or soft furnishings that have been in the room need to be cleaned by a professional dry cleaner to make sure that there is no mould left on them.
Once you have got rid of the mould, then you need to keep an eye out to make sure that it isn’t coming back and tackle it straight away if it does. By keeping furniture away from the wall and getting the air circulating around it, you can also help to reduce your mould risk.