The Oak is one of the most common types of tree in the UK and throughout Europe. Its wood is strong and tough. Without the mighty Oak, buildings, even today’s constructions, would not be the best fit for us humans or as sturdy as they need to be. You’re bound to find some oak in your roof for the beams and floorboards at some point. They can be a nuisance when they are searching for a water source as their roots can break through drains and damage them. However, CCTV Drainage Surveys, like those from, can soon detect any issues. Our love of the oak continues to this day, and it’s no surprise that we have conjured up many myths and folktales about these incredible trees.
The tree of the Gods – Our ancient European forebears associated the Oak with the Gods. Thor and Zeus were said to love the tree and show it a great favour. It was the Druids who were the first to invest a real religion in the trees. They worshipped them and venerated them to such a degree they created sacred groves of them and brought in others, like a church. The appearance of mistletoe, associated closely with oak, was a powerful plant they used to create medicines and took themselves to give them visions.
Oak leaves were also used as crowns by Kings; the Oak was seen as the tree of the Gods, as we’ve said before. The Romans were particularly keen on this. Oak leaves were given as a sign of favour to warriors who had fought well. It’s something that many modern militaries still do.
Christianity also holds the Oak in high regard. St Columba of Scotland would not have them felled, until he needed a new church built. He then preferred the great oak for the outers and the floorboards but did so with great reverence.
Oaks have also provided some of our famous figures from history with a home. Robin Hood is said to have made his hideout in one. However, the current one in Nottingham has been dated and couldn’t possibly be the same tree; it’s just not old enough. Charles the Second was on the receiving end of a heavy defeat by the Roundheads in the second civil war. Forced to flee to the coast, he had to hide in an Oak tree as the Parliamentarians desperately searched for him.