Being a global superstar does not protect people from contracting STIs. Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most successful actresses in the world, and she is still incredibly sensible when it comes to her sexual health.
Paranoid about germs
Ms Lawrence has stated that she likes sex, but she prefers it within the context of a relationship because she is extremely wary of STIs. Any sex for her means protection, as she thinks the average penis is potentially loaded with bacteria and is therefore rather dangerous. It is not just STIs you need to worry about; as shaving the pubic area has become so popular, there is also a risk of skin infections when shaved skin comes into contact with bacteria a partner may be carrying. To learn more about the advantages of leaving pubic hair where it is to protect against infection, see this report from The Guardian.
Importance of being tested
The comments from Ms Lawrence highlight how common STIs are and the importance of regular testing to ensure sexual health. This is particularly important when it comes to chlamydia, as there are no symptoms for many women and the repercussions, such as later infertility, can be extremely serious. Luckily, chlamydia is not difficult to treat, but it is passed through unprotected sex very easily. Any woman who intends to have children later in life should be regularly tested for all STIs, including chlamydia. Treatment for chlamydia usually involves antibiotics for both partners, or however many people may be infected. Continue reading Why collaboration is vital in clinical outsourcing
If you are worried that you have exposed yourself to infection, you might be interested in home STI kits for easy and private testing. To find out more about home STI kits, contact a reputable supplier such as, where you can find everything you need to test yourself in the privacy of your own home.
There is no shame in being tested for or having an STI. The major problem is that when left unchecked, STIs can be passed on easily to other sexual partners and cause serious problems with the reproductive system that may not be easily cured. Unfortunately, chlamydia can spread to other organs and cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Chlamydia is also one of the most common causes of infertility in women.
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